Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Project in nearby village called, Karbath Village, is our Outreach Programme with the collaboration of Amin Maktab, a school for special children in Lahore. It is an early intervention programme that aims to provide awareness, psychological treatment and counselling facilities to special children and adults in economically depressed areas of Lahore. The programme is running in collaboration with the Punjab Welfare Trust for the Disabled. In Karbath village, the families of special children have limited awareness about the identification and rehabilitation of such children. Roshni Association, although being an institute for special adults, decided to collaborate with other stakeholders for the sake of community welfare. Through this programme, local CRPs (Community Representative Persons) from the village have been trained to identify the families in need of assistance and to offer their services. Roshni Association organized their regular training sessions from experts.

Children with special needs are getting psychological treatment, physiotherapy, speech therapy and counselling. The aim of this project is to provide the services to marginalized parents at their homes so the children with special needs, and who need care, could lead better lives. We are continuously focusing for creating awareness among the masses with regard to the rights of persons with special needs. We are trying our best to provide them each and every facility and platform to grow and develop themselves for earning a better livelihood with dignity and respect. This project is very successful and being practiced by the other organizations to maximize their services and we are always the part.
Finally, since the project initiative in 2016, each year number of children/adults are increasing and thus we are increasing our services to meet our goals. We are taking every step with the collaboration of other stakeholders and Government institutions to expand our efforts for the provision of assistance where it is needed. Roshni Association is serving in this areas to become a central place for the provision of training, skills and education to other institutions working in this field for the welfare of persons with special needs. Last, but not the least, we are committed to our vision and burning the mid night oil to maximize our services for the development of our society and country.